$times = $prayTime->getPrayerTimes(time(), 43, -80, -5);
print('Sunrise = '. $times[1]);
//--------------------- PrayTime Class -----------------------
class PrayTime
//------------------------ Constants --------------------------
// Calculation Methods
var $Jafari = 0; // Ithna Ashari
var $Karachi = 1; // University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi
var $ISNA = 2; // Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)
var $MWL = 3; // Muslim World League (MWL)
var $Makkah = 4; // Umm al-Qura, Makkah
var $Egypt = 5; // Egyptian General Authority of Survey
var $Custom = 6; // Custom Setting
var $Tehran = 7; // Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran
// Juristic Methods
var $Shafii = 0; // Shafii (standard)
var $Hanafi = 1; // Hanafi
// Adjusting Methods for Higher Latitudes
var $None = 0; // No adjustment
var $MidNight = 1; // middle of night
var $OneSeventh = 2; // 1/7th of night
var $AngleBased = 3; // angle/60th of night
// Time Formats
var $Time24 = 0; // 24-hour format
var $Time12 = 1; // 12-hour format
var $Time12NS = 2; // 12-hour format with no suffix
var $Float = 3; // floating point number
// Time Names
var $timeNames = array(
var $InvalidTime = '-----'; // The string used for invalid times
//---------------------- Global Variables --------------------
var $calcMethod = 0; // caculation method
var $asrJuristic = 0; // Juristic method for Asr
var $dhuhrMinutes = 0; // minutes after mid-day for Dhuhr
var $adjustHighLats = 1; // adjusting method for higher latitudes
var $timeFormat = 0; // time format
var $lat; // latitude
var $lng; // longitude
var $timeZone; // time-zone
var $JDate; // Julian date
//--------------------- Technical Settings --------------------
var $numIterations = 1; // number of iterations needed to compute times
//------------------- Calc Method Parameters --------------------
var $methodParams = array();
/* var $methodParams[methodNum] = array(fa, ms, mv, is, iv);
fa : fajr angle
ms : maghrib selector (0 = angle; 1 = minutes after sunset)
mv : maghrib parameter value (in angle or minutes)
is : isha selector (0 = angle; 1 = minutes after maghrib)
iv : isha parameter value (in angle or minutes)
//----------------------- Constructors -------------------------
function PrayTime($methodID = 0)
$this->methodParams[$this->Jafari] = array(16, 0, 4, 0, 14);
$this->methodParams[$this->Karachi] = array(18, 1, 0, 0, 18);
$this->methodParams[$this->ISNA] = array(15, 1, 0, 0, 15);
$this->methodParams[$this->MWL] = array(18, 1, 0, 0, 17);
$this->methodParams[$this->Makkah] = array(18.5, 1, 0, 1, 90);
$this->methodParams[$this->Egypt] = array(19.5, 1, 0, 0, 17.5);
$this->methodParams[$this->Tehran] = array(17.7, 0, 4.5, 0, 14);
$this->methodParams[$this->Custom] = array(18, 1, 0, 0, 17);
function __construct($methodID = 0)
//-------------------- Interface Functions --------------------
// return prayer times for a given date
function getDatePrayerTimes($year, $month, $day, $latitude, $longitude, $timeZone)
$this->lat = $latitude;
$this->lng = $longitude;
$this->timeZone = $timeZone;
$this->JDate = $this->julianDate($year, $month, $day)- $longitude/ (15* 24);
return $this->computeDayTimes();
// return prayer times for a given timestamp
function getPrayerTimes($timestamp, $latitude, $longitude, $timeZone)
$date = @getdate($timestamp);
return $this->getDatePrayerTimes($date['year'], $date['mon'], $date['mday'],
$latitude, $longitude, $timeZone);
// set the calculation method
function setCalcMethod($methodID)
$this->calcMethod = $methodID;
// set the juristic method for Asr
function setAsrMethod($methodID)
if ($methodID < 0 || $methodID > 1)
$this->asrJuristic = $methodID;
// set the angle for calculating Fajr
function setFajrAngle($angle)
$this->setCustomParams(array($angle, null, null, null, null));
// set the angle for calculating Maghrib
function setMaghribAngle($angle)
$this->setCustomParams(array(null, 0, $angle, null, null));
// set the angle for calculating Isha
function setIshaAngle($angle)
$this->setCustomParams(array(null, null, null, 0, $angle));
// set the minutes after mid-day for calculating Dhuhr
function setDhuhrMinutes($minutes)
$this->dhuhrMinutes = $minutes;
// set the minutes after Sunset for calculating Maghrib
function setMaghribMinutes($minutes)
$this->setCustomParams(array(null, 1, $minutes, null, null));
// set the minutes after Maghrib for calculating Isha
function setIshaMinutes($minutes)
$this->setCustomParams(array(null, null, null, 1, $minutes));
// set custom values for calculation parameters
function setCustomParams($params)
for ($i=0; $i<5; $i++)
if ($params[$i] == null)
$this->methodParams[$this->Custom][$i] = $this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][$i];
$this->methodParams[$this->Custom][$i] = $params[$i];
$this->calcMethod = $this->Custom;
// set adjusting method for higher latitudes
function setHighLatsMethod($methodID)
$this->adjustHighLats = $methodID;
// set the time format
function setTimeFormat($timeFormat)
$this->timeFormat = $timeFormat;
// convert float hours to 24h format
function floatToTime24($time)
if (is_nan($time))
return $this->InvalidTime;
$time = $this->fixhour($time+ 0.5/ 60); // add 0.5 minutes to round
$hours = floor($time);
$minutes = floor(($time- $hours)* 60);
return $this->twoDigitsFormat($hours). ':'. $this->twoDigitsFormat($minutes);
// convert float hours to 12h format
function floatToTime12($time, $noSuffix = false)
if (is_nan($time))
return $this->InvalidTime;
$time = $this->fixhour($time+ 0.5/ 60); // add 0.5 minutes to round
$hours = floor($time);
$minutes = floor(($time- $hours)* 60);
$suffix = $hours >= 12 ? ' pm' : ' am';
$hours = ($hours+ 12- 1)% 12+ 1;
return $hours. ':'. $this->twoDigitsFormat($minutes). ($noSuffix ? '' : $suffix);
// convert float hours to 12h format with no suffix
function floatToTime12NS($time)
return $this->floatToTime12($time, true);
//---------------------- Calculation Functions -----------------------
// References:
// compute declination angle of sun and equation of time
function sunPosition($jd)
$D = $jd - 2451545.0;
$g = $this->fixangle(357.529 + 0.98560028* $D);
$q = $this->fixangle(280.459 + 0.98564736* $D);
$L = $this->fixangle($q + 1.915* $this->dsin($g) + 0.020* $this->dsin(2*$g));
$R = 1.00014 - 0.01671* $this->dcos($g) - 0.00014* $this->dcos(2*$g);
$e = 23.439 - 0.00000036* $D;
$d = $this->darcsin($this->dsin($e)* $this->dsin($L));
$RA = $this->darctan2($this->dcos($e)* $this->dsin($L), $this->dcos($L))/ 15;
$RA = $this->fixhour($RA);
$EqT = $q/15 - $RA;
return array($d, $EqT);
// compute equation of time
function equationOfTime($jd)
$sp = $this->sunPosition($jd);
return $sp[1];
// compute declination angle of sun
function sunDeclination($jd)
$sp = $this->sunPosition($jd);
return $sp[0];
// compute mid-day (Dhuhr, Zawal) time
function computeMidDay($t)
$T = $this->equationOfTime($this->JDate+ $t);
$Z = $this->fixhour(12- $T);
return $Z;
// compute time for a given angle G
function computeTime($G, $t)
$D = $this->sunDeclination($this->JDate+ $t);
$Z = $this->computeMidDay($t);
$V = 1/15* $this->darccos((-$this->dsin($G)- $this->dsin($D)* $this->dsin($this->lat))/
($this->dcos($D)* $this->dcos($this->lat)));
return $Z+ ($G>90 ? -$V : $V);
// compute the time of Asr
function computeAsr($step, $t) // Shafii: step=1, Hanafi: step=2
$D = $this->sunDeclination($this->JDate+ $t);
$G = -$this->darccot($step+ $this->dtan(abs($this->lat- $D)));
return $this->computeTime($G, $t);
//---------------------- Compute Prayer Times -----------------------
// compute prayer times at given julian date
function computeTimes($times)
$t = $this->dayPortion($times);
$Fajr = $this->computeTime(180- $this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][0], $t[0]);
$Sunrise = $this->computeTime(180- 0.833, $t[1]);
$Dhuhr = $this->computeMidDay($t[2]);
$Asr = $this->computeAsr(1+ $this->asrJuristic, $t[3]);
$Sunset = $this->computeTime(0.833, $t[4]);;
$Maghrib = $this->computeTime($this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][2], $t[5]);
$Isha = $this->computeTime($this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][4], $t[6]);
return array($Fajr, $Sunrise, $Dhuhr, $Asr, $Sunset, $Maghrib, $Isha);
// compute prayer times at given julian date
function computeDayTimes()
$times = array(5, 6, 12, 13, 18, 18, 18); //default times
for ($i=1; $i<=$this->numIterations; $i++)
$times = $this->computeTimes($times);
$times = $this->adjustTimes($times);
return $this->adjustTimesFormat($times);
// adjust times in a prayer time array
function adjustTimes($times)
for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
$times[$i] += $this->timeZone- $this->lng/ 15;
$times[2] += $this->dhuhrMinutes/ 60; //Dhuhr
if ($this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][1] == 1) // Maghrib
$times[5] = $times[4]+ $this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][2]/ 60;
if ($this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][3] == 1) // Isha
$times[6] = $times[5]+ $this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][4]/ 60;
if ($this->adjustHighLats != $this->None)
$times = $this->adjustHighLatTimes($times);
return $times;
// convert times array to given time format
function adjustTimesFormat($times)
if ($this->timeFormat == $this->Float)
return $times;
for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
if ($this->timeFormat == $this->Time12)
$times[$i] = $this->floatToTime12($times[$i]);
else if ($this->timeFormat == $this->Time12NS)
$times[$i] = $this->floatToTime12($times[$i], true);
$times[$i] = $this->floatToTime24($times[$i]);
return $times;
// adjust Fajr, Isha and Maghrib for locations in higher latitudes
function adjustHighLatTimes($times)
$nightTime = $this->timeDiff($times[4], $times[1]); // sunset to sunrise
// Adjust Fajr
$FajrDiff = $this->nightPortion($this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][0])* $nightTime;
if (is_nan($times[0]) || $this->timeDiff($times[0], $times[1]) > $FajrDiff)
$times[0] = $times[1]- $FajrDiff;
// Adjust Isha
$IshaAngle = ($this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][3] == 0) ? $this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][4] : 18;
$IshaDiff = $this->nightPortion($IshaAngle)* $nightTime;
if (is_nan($times[6]) || $this->timeDiff($times[4], $times[6]) > $IshaDiff)
$times[6] = $times[4]+ $IshaDiff;
// Adjust Maghrib
$MaghribAngle = ($this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][1] == 0) ? $this->methodParams[$this->calcMethod][2] : 4;
$MaghribDiff = $this->nightPortion($MaghribAngle)* $nightTime;
if (is_nan($times[5]) || $this->timeDiff($times[4], $times[5]) > $MaghribDiff)
$times[5] = $times[4]+ $MaghribDiff;
return $times;
// the night portion used for adjusting times in higher latitudes
function nightPortion($angle)
if ($this->adjustHighLats == $this->AngleBased)
return 1/60* $angle;
if ($this->adjustHighLats == $this->MidNight)
return 1/2;
if ($this->adjustHighLats == $this->OneSeventh)
return 1/7;
// convert hours to day portions
function dayPortion($times)
for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
$times[$i] /= 24;
return $times;
//---------------------- Misc Functions -----------------------
// compute the difference between two times
function timeDiff($time1, $time2)
return $this->fixhour($time2- $time1);
// add a leading 0 if necessary
function twoDigitsFormat($num)
return ($num <10) ? '0'. $num : $num;
//---------------------- Julian Date Functions -----------------------
// calculate julian date from a calendar date
function julianDate($year, $month, $day)
if ($month <= 2)
$year -= 1;
$month += 12;
$A = floor($year/ 100);
$B = 2- $A+ floor($A/ 4);
$JD = floor(365.25* ($year+ 4716))+ floor(30.6001* ($month+ 1))+ $day+ $B- 1524.5;
return $JD;
// convert a calendar date to julian date (second method)
function calcJD($year, $month, $day)
$J1970 = 2440588.0;
$date = $year. '-'. $month. '-'. $day;
$ms = strtotime($date); // # of milliseconds since midnight Jan 1, 1970
$days = floor($ms/ (1000 * 60 * 60* 24));
return $J1970+ $days- 0.5;
//---------------------- Trigonometric Functions -----------------------
// degree sin
function dsin($d)
return sin($this->dtr($d));
// degree cos
function dcos($d)
return cos($this->dtr($d));
// degree tan
function dtan($d)
return tan($this->dtr($d));
// degree arcsin
function darcsin($x)
return $this->rtd(asin($x));
// degree arccos
function darccos($x)
return $this->rtd(acos($x));
// degree arctan
function darctan($x)
return $this->rtd(atan($x));
// degree arctan2
function darctan2($y, $x)
return $this->rtd(atan2($y, $x));
// degree arccot
function darccot($x)
return $this->rtd(atan(1/$x));
// degree to radian
function dtr($d)
return ($d * M_PI) / 180.0;
// radian to degree
function rtd($r)
return ($r * 180.0) / M_PI;
// range reduce angle in degrees.
function fixangle($a)
$a = $a - 360.0 * floor($a / 360.0);
$a = $a < 0 ? $a + 360.0 : $a;
return $a;
// range reduce hours to 0..23
function fixhour($a)
$a = $a - 24.0 * floor($a / 24.0);
$a = $a < 0 ? $a + 24.0 : $a;
return $a;
//---------------------- prayTime Object -----------------------
$prayTime = new PrayTime();